This study was done to survey on the health educational experience and needs for development of health educational information service program on internet. The respondents of this survey were 302 students in the elementary, middle and high school of Ewha Womans University from 14 June to 30 in 1998. The results were as follows ; 1. They had taken health educational class 86.8% in elementary school. 49.1% in milled school and 77.3% in high school. There was significant difference in the level of school(p<.000). 2. They would like to use health educational information service program on internet, 58.2% of middle school students and 74.8% of high school students. 3. The interested area of health educational information service program on internet were exercise(51.9%), dental health(51.0%) in elementary school, exercise(47.5%), disease management(44.4%) in middle school and sex education(45.3%), exercise(41.9%) in high school. In the future, we should develop health educational information service program on internet that reflect the needs of students and provide them with comprehensive informations. |