BACKGROUND: It is not so reasonable international classification of disease and surgical procedure to clinicians. Authors made a more comprehensive standardization for neurological disease and neurosurgical procedures and have been used for the analysis of the inpatients.
METHODS: For making the standardization of disease, we modified the mane of disease according to that used for daily report during 10 years, textbook of neurosurgery, but kept the fields of international coding system in each. Neurosurgical procedures were made and modified according to Current Procedure Terminology 96. Client-server system was used for networking and database software was applied. The neurosurgical patients admitted at Soonchunhyuna University Hospital from January o December, 1998 were analysed with this system.
RESULTS: Diseases were classified as 14 large categories and 379 small categories. Neurosurgical procedures were did also 20 large and 202 small categories. Futhermore, international coding system such as ICD-10 and ICD-9CM maintained for the disease and procedures in each. The number of patients for admission and operation during 1 year were 834 and 412 patients. The accurate and rapid interpretation of the disease and surgical procedures was identified.
CONCLUSIONS: It could be possibel to make database of patients management with the resonable standardization of disease and neurosurgical procedures. |