As digital technologies develop further, computer and communication networks combined more and more. In addition,the integrated systems of broadcasting and communication accelerate the disappearance of business borderline between them.Intemet broadcasting technology such as Video on Demand(VOD) system is a good example. There are also digitized, two-way communication systems such as web-casting, satellite and cable communication networks In order to get better information more effectively in the modern society, the authors needed to actively deal with multimedia contents provided by new media system, such as video-conferencing, distance education, Internet broadcasting, and things go on.This was the way to satisfy customers desire for better services in medical area. Consequently, it became possible to practice telemedicine, including distance medical examination and treatment, counseling, and education. The updated networksystems using ISDN, optical lines, microwaves and multi-channel satellite can be utilized for a video-conferencing system to support an effective telemedicine. In order to establish and execute national information policies effectively, it is requiredthat the laws, regulations, and the organizations related to broadcasting and communication matters need to be modified.The purpose of this paper is to suggest a model of a medical web- casting system with high cost-effectiveness. This has been supported by our experience in establishing an internet broadcasting system at a general hospital. |