As the business environment of medical recorder changes from a paper-based environment to a computer-based environment, the medical recorder has to change Health Information Manager. The most important thing of the role change for HIM is the development of college curriculum. For the development of curriculum, I invested on the situation of HIM. To invest on the situation of HIM, I invested as follows; The first content of invest is job analysis of medical recorder. The second content of invest is curriculum contents in Korea, America. The third content of invest is survey on the medical recorder. I analyzed curriculum contents of 9 colleges in America. Also 22 colleges in Korea were analyzed for this study. Also I analyzed survey contents of 263 medical recorders. I have adapted AHIMA define of HIM as follows; Health information professionals collect, integrate, and analyze primary and secondary healthcare data; disseminate information; and manage information resources related to research, planning, provision, and evaluation of healthcare services. As the base of invests, I proposed curriculum on the base of invested contents. As the proposed curriculum is not official curriculum, we have to continuously study the content of curriculum. |