Analysis of User Satisfaction and Related Factor Analysis for Public Health Information System |
Jong Chul
Won, Ja Seong
Bae, Hong Jae
Lee, Jae Dong
Lee, Baeg Ju
Na, Hee Joo
Choi |
1Department of Technical Support Center for Rural Health Service, Korea. 2Korean Health Industry Development Institute, Gyeonggi Seongnamsi Bundanggu Public Health Center, Korea. 3Department of Computer Science, DanKook University, Korea. 4Department Preventive Medicine, School of Medicine, Konyang University, Korea. 5Public Health Division, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea. |
Abstract |
The PHIS(Public Health Information System) has been developed, and installed in public health centers nationwide since 1994. Ironically, however, even though infrastructures have been modernized, there is scant published material that has investigated the determinants of success of the PHIS. Therefore, these were evaluated in relation to the concern of user satisfaction, which was composed of overall satisfaction, usability, convenience and satisfaction for the supportive system. These satisfaction factors were also compared according to general user characteristics. The questionnaire response rate was 81.5%. The overall satisfaction and total Likert's scores, 3.078 ± 0.634 and 3.005 ± 0.563, respectively, showed that the end-users were relatively satisfied with the PHIS. Also, the overall satisfaction correlated most strongly with the convenience attribute. However, dissatisfaction strongly correlated with the supportive system, i.e. education and training facilities. This article describes our progress, and reports on the lessons learned, which will guide future work in this field. |
Key Words:
Public Health Information System, Satisfaction, Usability, Convenience, Support |