J Korean Soc Med Inform Search


Healthc Inform Res > Volume 11(3); 2005 > Article
Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics 2005;11(3):291-300.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4258/jksmi.2005.11.3.291    Published online September 30, 2005.
A Study on the Design of Hospital Medical Examination Support Agent for PDA Application
Chang Soo Kim, Jae Hong Yim, Se Sik Kang
1Department of Radiological Science College of Health Science, Catholic Univ. of Pusan, Korea.
2Division of Radio & Information Communication Engineering, Korea National Maritime Univ.Korea.

OBJECTIVE: The bigger the size of order and hospital information of data causes more complex in the communication of each part in the hospital. Various departments such as medical examination, medical examination support, business management and the general management are working a patient medicine, a hospital operation with organic cooperation each other. Medical support departments make efforts that decrease patient examination time and care in the medical information system.

METHODS: There are many medical information system. PACS appears one another method about information reception systems in the hospital as a complement of HIS which based on existing message information. In this paper's experiment, agent system practiced patient data and DICOM image of db server in the wireless network. Using PDA, embodies PDA client that makes possible to search and renew the data of db server and embodies hospital managing agent that makes possible to link with PDA to database in the hospital, and designed data format of between server and PDA.

RESULTS: This designed system is PDA agent that hospital network supports wireless network. The agent system is appeared important facilities in the hospital which enlarge the chance of the medical benefits to patient delay time. So this system completed proximity of POC(Patient of Care) concept and patient data of DB conformance. This system improved high hospital service of patient.

CONCLUSION: Hospital's information environments are expanded and examination's staffs are worked without place, time, convenience. The design of agent systems offers reduction delay time of patient service, medical institution could makes effective and systematic management, so there is a improvement of medical information system in wireless environment. This papers draw a conclusion, there should have working place with equipment and program related to computational system in the hospital. PDA program displays patient data and DICOM image. Doctor and nurse can modify patient's personal information, search patient's information and take care of near patients easily, so we want to improve inadequate treatment recording system of medical members.

Key Words: Wireless Internet, Agent, PDA, PACS, DICOM, HIS, RIS


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