J Korean Soc Med Inform Search


Healthc Inform Res > Volume 3(1); 1997 > Article
Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics 1997;3(1):167-172.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4258/jksmi.1997.3.1.167    Published online June 30, 1997.
Standardization of Code of Hospital Information
Joon Hyun Hong, Sung Hong Kang
1Medical Record Department, Severance Hospital, Korea.
2Hospital Planning Board, Korea Medical Insurance Coorporation, Korea.

The rapid change of hospital environment emphasizes the importance of hospital information system. To be effective, the definitions and codes of data which will be required by the health professionals workstation should be standardized. In Korea, many hospitals are implementing order communication system in order to expedite the patient management process, to enhance the service, and for effective management of medical information. Various codes those are in use in hospitals should be standardized for effective interdepartmental and interhospital communication. This paper shows the current status of implementing order communication system in hospitals which have more than 400 beds in Korea, application status of operation an procedure classification systems, e.g., International Classification of Procedures in Medicine, and International Classification of Diseases-9th-Clinical Modification. 22 hospitals (29.0%) are implementing inpatient OCS and 29 hospitals(38.2%) for outpatient OCS. 46 hospitals(60.5%0 are applying ICPM and among them 23 hospitals(50.0%) showed dissatisfaction for that classification system. 30 hospitals(39.5%) are applying ICD-9-CM and none of them revealed dissatisfaction for that classification system. 64 hospitals(84.2%) want new classification system for operation and procedures and 58 hospitals(76.3%) revealed the necessarily of standardization of code of physicans, clinical departments and administrative departments.


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