OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to identify 3 to 5 years of future management issues in hospital information systems (HIS).
METHODS: Two rounds of interview surveys were conducted based on the sample survey of 50 managers from 28 hospital information centers utilizing the Delphi method.
RESULTS: From the survey, management issues in HIS were identified in the following order: 'top management support', 'close relationship with users', 'PACS', 'disaster recovery', improving IS strategic planning'. Compared with the 1999 survey, the issues that rank within the top 10 management issues were as follows: 'top management support', 'security and control', 'close relationship with users'. Recently surfaced issues are 'disaster recovery' and 'standardization'. The issues that dropped out of the top 10 ranks were 'network management', 'recruiting and developing IS human resource'which were very fundamental issues in the initial state of the introduction of the hospital information system.
CONCLUSION: The two main significance of this study involves predicting future management issues based on the comparison of the current issues with the 1999 issues and recommendingmanagement strategies based on the classification of issues by importance and persistence. |