OBJECTIVE: This paper proposes an ontology plan for oriental-medical service in ubiquitous computing environment. With popularization of ubiquitous computing technology, recently oriental medicine field becomes interested in oriental medicine knowledge management system and needs more systematic-scientific knowledge management and information communication. But oriental medical scientists have various standards which classify a pulse, so the information about pulse is massive.
METHOD: In this paper, for more systematic-scientific knowledge management and information communication, we designed and implemented ontology using the pulse which is used as diagnosis basis in oriental medicine. by using the pulse which is classified into twenty eight division we implemented ontology based on characteristic of each pulse. We represented the pulse with OWL language and used Racer as inference engine to check errors of implemented ontology.
RESULT / CONCLUSION: Given the information of the pulse-diagnosis ontology, systematic-scientific knowledge management and information communication become possible so that oriental doctors are able to provide faster and effective medical service. Furthermore, self-diagnosis and medical service will be possible at anytime and anywhere regardless of time and place. In the future research, we will implement an integrated ontology with the whole of diagnosis basis in oriental medicine based on pulse ontology implemented in this paper. |