Healthcare Informatics Research



Checklist for submission


Article Title: _______________________________________________________________________________

Corresponding author: ______________________________________________________________________

Type of submission

□ Original Article         □ Review Article         □ Case Report
□ Tutorial                        □ Communication     □ Editorial

Check Lists

  • □  Cover letter, title page, main body of texts, and figures are prepared on separate files.
  • □  Conflict of interest is described on cover letter.
  • □  Corresponding author’s name, address, phone, and e-mail address appear on title page.
  • □  Neither the author's names nor their affiliations appear on the manuscript pages.
  • □  Word limits of the manuscript are verified: 3,000 words for original and review articles, 1,500 words for case reports and tutorials, and 800 words for communications and editorials, respectively.
  • □  Running title does not exceed 40 characters including spaces.
  • □  Structured abstract with 200–250 words.
  • □  Five keywords appear at the bottom of abstract, using MeSH.
  • □  References are in correct format.
  • □  All elements in tables and figures remain legible.
  • □  Figures and illustrations are prepared in high quality with high tones and resolution.
  • □  If a submitted manuscript is a thesis for an academic degree, the student’s name, degree type, and the name of affiliated university should be included in the acknowledgement section.
  • □  If a submitted manuscript has been posted on any preprint server, information regarding the preprint should be included in the cover letter, including a link to it and a description of whether the submitted manuscript has been revised or differs from the preprint.

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