Healthcare Informatics Research



Lee, Lee, and Kim: Correction: Prerequisites for Effective Implementation of Telemedicine: Focusing on Current Situation in Korea

Correction: Prerequisites for Effective Implementation of Telemedicine: Focusing on Current Situation in Korea

Hyeoi-Yun Lee, MSN, RN, Ji-San Lee, MSN, RN, Jeongeun Kim, PhD, RN
Healthc Inform Res 2015;21(4):251-4
The authors and their affiliation are incorrectly listed in the article, Prerequisites for Effective Implementation of Telemedicine: Focusing on Current Situation in Korea. The authors and their respective affiliations should be listed as:
Hyeoi-Yun Lee, MSN, RN1, Ji-San Lee, MSN, RN1, Jeongeun Kim, PhD, RN1,2,3
1College of Nursing, 2Research Institute of Nursing Science, and 3Interdisciplinary Program of Medical Informatics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Also, the Acknowledgments section of the above article incorrectly omitted. The correct statement should read:
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2010-0028631).

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