To survey user satisfaction, correlates of satisfaction, and self reported evaluation about order communication system in Seoul National University Hospital, we performed this study. We met 63 users who were involved in hospital's digitalization committee and surveyed the Questionnare for User Interaction Satisfaction(QUIS) as evaluation tool and self-evaluation about OCS. We received 55 replies out of 63 users. The users were generally satisfied with order communication system(mean scale = 5.8 on a 1 to 9 scale). QUIS scored highest in the area of screen design and lowest in the area of system capability. Overall user satisfaction was most highly correlated with task-flow. Users noticed retrieval of laboratory result as the most useful aspect and worried about system stability and system response time. But, system response time was weekly correlated with overall user satisfaction. In SNUH, user showed that satisfaction with order communication system was good. Satisfaction was more correlated with perceptions about order communication system's efficiency than with order communication system response time. |